Friday, August 27, 2010

Weird Photos and Locked Thumbs

So when Justin saw this last post he said the photos were really weird and that he wouldn't have put them on the blog.  He said Henry's face was covered in red sauce and he looked like he was naked.  Well, he was not totally naked and if I have to wait until I get a perfectly clothed shot of Henry with nothing on his face I'll never be able to put one up.  Plus, it's hard to take photos of Clementine smiling.  She's either asleep or we're out doing something and I can't take a photo of her when she's stuck to me. 

She is getting really happy though.  She has started to laugh a little bit when I tickle her chest with my chin.  She follows me all around the room and can go from crying to happy in an instant when I pick her up.  She really loves to be around the other kids and when we eat our meals and she's awake, we put her in the Bumbo on top of the table and she watches us and smiles at us when we lock eyes with her.  The kids fight over who gets to be facing her.  She has also started trying to play with a few toys and I think she has the same issue with her thumbs as Henry did.  They're almost locked in place and I have to pry them open to put something in.  The one good thing about that is that she'll hold anything for a long time but she can't grab anything herself, even if she wants to.  Open your thumbs little monkey! Those are your special evolutionary tools! Use them! 

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